The Symplectic VIVO Harvester
In 2011, Symplectic released their first version of the VIVO harvester on GitHub. This code was used to build the harvester for the first institutional VIVO instance in the UK. With the rich data sets available to Elements, clients are able to automatically populate and maintain external VIVO profiles for all their research staff.
Significant upgrades in 2012
As part of our continuing commitment to the VIVO project, we are pleased to announce that we have just released our first major upgrade to the VIVO Harvester. This has brought a host of new features and significant improvements to the core system, which include:
- Up to 60x faster
- Reduced API traffic to the Elements database
- Differential updating to running VIVO instances
- Reorganised cache to accommodate a larger number of instances
- Restructured XSL for easier maintenance
Many more small features have been added, greatly reducing load times and maximising the overall efficiency of the harvester. For the full details, head over to our support site.
“This upgrade brings much smoother updates to VIVO, as only the changes since the last harvest are applied.” says Graham Triggs, Head of Repository systems, Symplectic, who has led the upgrade of the harvester. “By using the Symplectic API efficiently, we minimize the impact on both the VIVO and Elements services, improving the user experience.”
If you would like to fork our open source harvester, you can find it on GitHub at this link.
Remember you can always get in touch with one of our team if you want to find out more.
More on VIVO
The VIVO project was initially started in Cornell as an open source web application to collate research and scholarship information within an institution and then provide academics with an institutional profile.
Head over to VIVO to find out more.