Symplectic User Conference Australasia – Agenda

23rd January 2014

Symplectic User Conference Australasia is now sold out! Here are a few details about the day.


09:00 Registration and coffee (B120 Lecture theatre)

09:30 Welcome

09:40 Symplectic Company & Product update
Daniel Hook, Director

10:10 Working with Symplectic and Elements
Geirmund Knutsen, VP Client Support

10:55 Break

11:10 Implementation: Client perspectives
With guest speakers from University of New South Wales,
The University of Melbourne, The University of Newcastle and The University of Adelaide

12:10 Guest speaker: Mark Hahnel, Founder, figshare
Collaboratively solving the research data management problems in Australia

12:35 Lunch

13:40 Parallel workshop sessions

14:50 Break

15:10 Parallel workshop sessions

16:20 Conference close

Parallel workshop sessions:

In the afternoon there will be two workshops running. Each workshop will run twice, enabling delegates to attend both sessions. In addition to this there will be a third option for delegates to attend a session of product demonstrations during the 13:40 – 14:50 slot.

Time Track 1: Room B114 Track 2: Room B117 Track 3: Room B120
13:40 – 14:50 ERA Workshop Reporting Workshop Product demonstrations
15:10 – 16:20 ERA Workshop Reporting Workshop

ERA workshop:

A Symplectic led discussion to explore how Elements could be extended to support institutional ERA submissions.

Reporting workshop:

The purpose of this workshop is to help prioritise future reporting functionality in Elements.

Product demonstrations – An opportunity to find out more about and a chance to discuss:
– Recently added features to Elements
– Planned extensions to the User Profile
– A preview of the beta version of Symplectic Dimensions

See you next week!