Symplectic APAC User Meetings 2018

30th January 2018

Join us for a series of Digital Science events during the week of 30 January – 1 February in Melbourne. This event is flexible, so you can pick and choose which days and events work best for you.

Open to all is our Digital Science Leadership Showcase where you can hear about industry trends from our experts and get a first look at our new product innovations. And for customers of Symplectic, Figshare and Altmetric, join our user days where you can meet the teams and learn about new developments.

Day 1: Symplectic User Conference – Tues, 30 Jan

09.30   Registration & Coffee

10.00   Welcome

10.10   What’s New at Symplectic?

Jonathan Breeze, CEO will summarise what the Symplectic team have been working on since the last Australasia conference and comment on the company’s future direction.

10.30   Elements Goes Public!

Delegates will be treated to the first live demonstration of the Elements public profile (due for release Q2 2018) and will learn how Elements customers will be able to register for the Elements public profile following its full release later in the year.

11.00   Client Panel Session

A panel comprising representatives from Symplectic’s user community will share their experiences of reusing data captured within Elements for a variety of use cases, followed by a Q and A.

11.45   Comfort Break

12.00   Latest Open Access and Repository Initiatives

Kate Byrne, Repository Platforms Product Manager will provide an update on our latest repository integration technology, including the ability to use Elements to deposit electronic files in multiple repositories, whilst also tracking open access engagement levels via a single tool.

12.30   Depositing NTROs in the Dark

Kate will be joined by a member of the ANZ user community to talk about using Elements in combination with institutional repositories for ERA.

12.45   Lunch Break

14.00   Lightning Demonstrations

Members of the Symplectic team will provide a number of ‘lightning’ demonstrations of new tools and functionality featured in the Elements development roadmap.

14.30   Parallel Sessions – Please choose one of the following:

  1. A) Beyond Citation Counting

During this session we will focus on how the Symplectic Elements Assessment module can be used to support institutional research assessments and associated workflows, including how the module is being used to support institutional promotion and review processes; to carry out short surveys/polls of research active staff and to conduct internal peer reviews of research portfolios.

Members of the Australasian user community will also be asked to share examples of their own internal review processes and to comment on the future development of the module.

  1. B) Are you doing it all wrong?!

Following the introduction of ‘automatic claiming’ in April 2017, a number of our clients decided to revisit their past strategies for harvesting, disambiguating and classifying publication data inside Elements.

During this session we will explain how automatic claiming works with pre-existing name based search settings.

We will also explain the logic behind ‘labels’ inside Elements and how these can be updated automatically via the Elements API to help reduce the need to manually curate metadata fields for not only publications but also grants, professional activities, teaching activities and user profiles.

15.30   Comfort Break

15.45   Community Workshop

Members of the ANZ Symplectic user community will be asked to comment on a number of potential extensions to Symplectic Elements. Including the potential introduction of a new mechanism that might allow Elements customers to periodically push data captured in Elements to the ORCID registry (subject to institutional ORCID membership).

16.30   Close

Day 2: Digital Science Leadership Showcase (Morning) – Weds, 31 Jan

09.30   Welcome

09.40   Flash Talks from Digital Science Portfolios:

Altmetric, Figshare, ReadCube, Symplectic

10.40   Break

11.00   Introducing Dimensions

11.30   Dimensions Use Case

            11.30 Dimensions Use Case

            11.50 Dimensions Use Case

            12.10 Dimensions In Practice Australia and New Zealand Use Case

12.30   Lunch

Day 2: Digital Science Leadership Showcase (Afternoon) – Weds, 31 Jan

Digital Science Workshops (Concurrent)

13.20   Engagement and Impact (Speaker: Ms. Leanne Harvey, Executive General Manager – Australian             Research Council)

14.20   Open Data

15.20   Break 

15.40   Dimensions Workshop and API

16.40   Wrap Up and Close

Symplectic Workshops (Concurrent)

13.20   Symplectic NZ User Meeting

14.20   Reporting Tools

15.20   Break

15.40   Research Perspectives

17:00   Drinks and Nibbles

Day 3: Figshare Half Day User Event (Morning) – Thurs, 1 Feb

9.00     Arrival & Registration

9.30     Figshare update (Speaker: Mark Hahnel)

10.00   Workshops

            Education & Engagement (Speaker: Mark Hahnel)

            RAiD (Speakers: Andrew Janke & Siobhan McCafferty)

11.15   Break 

11.30   Case Study Presentations

            Adelaide University (Speaker: Mary O’Connor)

            Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (Speaker: Luke Stevens)

            Monash University (Speakers: Andrew Harrison & Neil Dickson)

12.30   Lunch

Day 3: Altmetric Half Day User Event (Afternoon) – Thurs, 1 Feb

13.15   Altmetric Update

13.45   Workshops:

            Product Development

            Supporting Early Career Researchers

14.45   Coffee Break

15.00   Case Study Talks:




16.00   Wrap Up and Close

Registration will close on 19 January 2018 so be sure to reserve your spot for one, two or all three days of the event!

This free event will take place at Deakin University, 727 Collins Street, Docklands, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. A light breakfast, lunch and cocktail reception is included.