Symplectic Grant Tracker

Leading grants management for the research funding lifecycle


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Grant Tracker


Symplectic Grant Tracker helps to streamline the management and administration of grant-making and ensuring that your grant funding is strategic and impactful


Designed from the outset to meet research funding needs, Symplectic Grant Tracker (previously CC Grant Tracker) includes features to assist applicants, reviewers, committees and funders and help them to work efficiently and effectively across the grants management lifecycle. It includes all the micro-features that a grants manager requires to support the issues in their portfolio day in and day out, in addition to specialist workflows designed to handle the main stages of triage, peer review, and committee management.



Comprehensive Application Processing & Grants Management

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Proven features to support your grant-making programs and process

Symplectic Grant Tracker features a comprehensive core package of integrated functions which can be quickly and easily deployed to reflect the stages of application processing and the management, monitoring and evaluation of supported projects. The added benefit of self-serve configuration options allows adaptability of the system to reflect your specific needs across multiple grant initiatives.

Grant Tracker

Trusted Partner

93.8% of survey respondents in the Idealware Report said they would recommend Grant Tracker.


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Creating a Grant

Easily define new grant programs. Choose from a toolbox of specialist grant management workflow components to reflect your application processing and grant management requirements and create intuitive on-line forms through our award-winning forms designer.



Manage multiple public or by-invitation calls. Support collaboration on proposals across multiple individuals and partner organisations.

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Assessment & Review

Adaptable specialist components to support expert/peer review, panel based assessment and internal due diligence. Easily and quickly pieced together to reflect multi-stage program specific review stages.


Contracting & Agreement

Functions to support communication of decisions, auto contract generation and agreement and to manage any subsequent requests for amendment during project delivery.

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Finance Management & Monitoring

Supporting claims based, schedule based, and milestone based payment mechanisms and the tracking of financial actuals versus budget. Backed by a transactions based finance model to allow full integration with your financial accounting system.


Performance & Results Monitoring & Learning

Capture details of research outputs and other more qualitative types of impact evidence. Create project and program specific result frameworks and monitor progress towards expected outcomes using organisation/program standard indicators or project specific indicators.

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Working in partnership

Our solution underpins the pre and post award processes for 50+ funding agencies who collectively award more than $2 billion annually, helping to deliver collaboration, efficiency and insight to assist in the identification and management of the best applications to meet funder goals.

Find out more about Symplectic Grant Tracker

We wanted to create a single, multi-university resource that provides
enhanced visibility into expertise, equipment and research
support services and available IP.

Tim Cain, Ohio Innovation Exchange

This tool connects our scholarly and research expertise with audiences like media,
prospective graduate students, and academic collaborators, while simultaneously
helping faculty keep track of the very important work they do. It is a game-changer for U of T.

Associate Vice-President Research, University of Toronto

The deeply integrated environment we now have will greatly enhance
our ability to manage the range of repository activities and strengthen
our position in preparing for any future research assessment exercises.

Digital Development Manager, University of Sussex

It helps keep us organised and keeps everything in one place.

Peter Fisher, Worldwide Cancer Research

Researcher profiles and end-to-end funded research
project management all now take place in the one interface,
which has huge benefits to our researchers.

Liam Cleere, University College Dublin

The discovery module has provided a delightful and fantastic
searchable public interface to our to our faculty.

Paul Bergen, Tufts University

The rate of deposit has increased by 1000% within 12 months following the switch-on of
the publication prompt in Elements and discussion about the HEFCE Open Access policy.

Queen Mary University of London

Elements impressed us with its simplicity, flexibility and control
for individual faculty members, and great responsiveness with customer service.

Clarke Iakovakis, Oklahoma State University

I think the most important feature Symplectic Elements came with was interoperability
The fact that it had that flow through profiles to the repository was really, really valuable for us.

Research Advisor, La Trobe University

Working with Symplectic Grant Tracker has streamlined our grants application process,
with automation of various processes being key to saving us time.

Research & Grants Manager, Bowel Research UK