9th March 2020

Last month a few members of our team travelled down to Melbourne to meet our Australian colleagues and clients for a three day conference. The meeting started with an introduction to Digital Science from the CEO, Daniel Hook. Following Daniel’s talk the Symplectic User Meeting portion of the showcase began. We started with three presentations from our local clients on a range of topics from implementing Elements to unexpected outcomes after many years of Elements usage.


Australian Digital Science Showcase 2020: Wrap Up 3

After the client presentations, our team gave a series of presentations and workshops that highlighted our latest product expansions and new features. In the picture on the left, Kate Byrne, VP Product Management is giving a lighting round presentation on our latest Elements releases in 2019.

On day 2 of the user meeting our clients got a review of our latest dashboard functionality from our CEO, Jonathan Breeze. You can read more about our latest functionality and see it in action here.



The next day and a half was filled with presentation from our partners at Digital Science including Dimensions, Figshare and Altmetric. Overall, we had another successful user meeting in the Asia Pacific region and we are looking forward to the next one. You can find all of our upcoming events and conferences listed here.