Altmetric emblem added to Elements

31st July 2012

Track online conversations around publications

With the addition of an Altmetric emblem, academics are now able to see article level metrics on social media activity. We are hoping to enhance this technology in the future to include richer data sets.

Using Altmetric

The image below shows how the Altmetric emblem is displayed within Elements. Academics are able to see an Altmetric score above each publication, which links to a more detailed page on the Altmetric website. These pages will highlight some of the conversations occurring across social networks.


About Altmetric

Altmetric is a London based start-up that tracks and measures the online activity around academic research. Founded in 2011 it has a strong focus on engineering and data science know-how and makes collecting and analyzing article level metrics easy for both researchers and publishers. For more information, visit Altmetric.