Version 6.0: The first release of Version 6
We typically start these updates by telling you how excited we are about what’s in the release, but this time excitement doesn’t even begin to cover it. Version 6.0 represents both the culmination of over a year’s worth of planning, design and development as well as the beginning of our Version 6 journey.
You can read more about our vision for Elements Version 6 here. In Elements v6.0 we have focussed on redesigning some of the most frequently used pages in Elements, establishing updated frameworks which we will build upon in future releases.

Meeting client priorities with v6.0
Our development team took the time to listen carefully to the feedback of our clients and development partners, which helped us to prioritise the key features to include in v6.0 and we are so excited to share what is included!
- Action-Oriented Homepage: The initial screen users see upon login tells them exactly what they need to do first. No need to guess at where to start.
- Searchable Menu: To save time and energy users can easily search our new menu for what they need. But there is really no need since we have organised the menu by key use cases: Reporting, Assessment, Open Access, etc
- User-Friendly My <objects> page (e.g. ‘My publications’): The My <objects> page is one of the most powerful and most used pages in the system and we’ve redesigned it to make it even easier to manage publications and other kinds of data captured in the system. Highlights of this redesign include the new labels and metrics tabs and our new ‘Focus on’ selector which allows users to open all of their outputs to a specific tab, ensuring users spend less time in the system.

- Configurable Module Display Names: We are introducing the ability to select a ‘display name’ for a number of our modules including Publications, Grants, Professional Activities, Teaching Activities, and Projects. This new functionality ensures Elements can accurately represent the true scope of scholarly activities at each organisation.
- Flexible Branding: Eliminate the need to ‘explain’ Elements to the entire institution. Encourage the use of the system with familiarity. Version 6 offers custom branding touchpoints like logos and colors.
- Useful In-system Notifications: Our new notifications functionality is embedded within the Elements header making it easier for users to know where they need to start as soon as they log into the system.
We are so excited to share all the details about Elements v6.0, you can view the full release notes on the Symplectic support site or contact us to learn more.
We hope that you love Elements Version 6.0 as much as we do!